Annual Enrollment – What’s Your Company’s Perception vs. Reality?
- Annual Enrollment
- Perception vs. Reality
- Technology is Key in Simplifying the Process
It's that time of the year again - Annual enrollment! Perception vs. reality... what's the truth? Before you jump to conclusions, tune in as Roger Fuerstenau discusses the process and the perception vs. the reality. What do employees think? What does your admin team think?
“Annual enrollment is a nightmare!” “So many confusing forms and complicated choices!” “So much paperwork!” “Too many carriers to deal with!” That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Technology is key in simplifying the admin process and providing a seamless experience for your employees. A streamlined process makes it a breeze for employees to navigate through the entire enrollment journey. Say goodbye to piles of paperwork, and hello to online ease and efficiency!
Let's work together to create a benefits experience that works for everyone! We do all the things, let’s keep growing together!
Insource Connect & Simplify™ and The Benefit Companies, Inc.™
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