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July 23th, 2024 -:-- Benefits
E159: Open Enrollment Is Coming! Let’s Fix It!
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Connect & Simplify Podcast Cover
E159: Open Enrollment Is Coming! Let’s Fix It!

Open enrollment can be a stressful time, but it doesn’t have to be. Move from a labor intensive, manual process to an automated process that all of your team will embrace. Fewer mistakes, streamlined ...

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July 23th, 2024 -:-- Benefits
Connect & Simplify Podcast Cover
E158: 158 UKG Industry Leader Year After Year

If your technology isn’t advancing and growing with you, then you’re not giving your employees and your company tools to succeed. Our tech partner UKG has once again been named industry leader. Having...

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July 9th, 2024 -:-- Who We Are
Connect & Simplify Podcast Cover
E157: Six Months Later and You Still Haven’t Fixed the Problem

Making changes. No one really likes it, but there are times when it's necessary. The excuses of 'let's talk in 6 months' or 'call me after year end' or every other excuse sales people hear just don't ...

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June 25th, 2024 -:-- HCM
Connect & Simplify Podcast Cover
E156: I Didn’t Sign Up for This!

As a business owner, HR professional or C-Suite executive you may be doing things that you didn’t necessarily “sign up for” when you started down the track you’re on, like keeping up with the latest r...

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June 11th, 2024 -:-- HCM
Connect & Simplify Podcast Cover
E155: Where You Are vs. Where You Want to Be

You’re at Point A. You want to be at Point B. How do you get your business there? Payroll, paid time off, applicant tracking, recruiting, hiring, onboarding, compensation, time-labor management, benef...

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May 28th, 2024 -:-- HCM
Connect & Simplify Podcast Cover
E154: I'll Just Do It Myself

As a business owner or decision maker, cost can be a driving factor in a lot of decisions. But when does it make sense to hire professionals instead of trying to do it all yourself? That’s the topic o...

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May 14th, 2024 -:-- HCM
Connect & Simplify Podcast Cover
E153: We Can’t See Around Corners, But….

Ever wish that you could see into the future? Wouldn’t it be great to see what’s coming? None of us can predict the future, but…. We can do a couple of things that make it seem like we have our finger...

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April 30th, 2024 -:-- HCM
Connect & Simplify Podcast Cover
E152: You Have Enough to Do…We’ll Give You Your Life Back

Business owners are passionate about the product, service, work they do and the people they help. They may be an expert in a particular area or discipline. That doesn’t always translate to being an ex...

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April 12th, 2024 -:-- HCM